What You Should Know About Handgun Registration in Nevada

Nevada is recognized for its lenient gun laws, making it crucial for both current and prospective gun owners to understand the regulations. Unlike in many other states, there’s no requirement for a license or waiting period to purchase a firearm. However, all buyers are legally mandated to complete a background check.

In Nevada, licensed dealers are prohibited from selling firearms to individuals with a criminal history. This includes felons, those charged with domestic violence, drug users, and individuals deemed mentally unfit. The state has also implemented background checks for private gun sales and transfers. Violating these laws can result in penalties of up to six years in prison and substantial fines.

Additionally, Nevada does not maintain a gun registry, meaning you are not required to report your handgun to the government. This aligns with the state’s commitment to upholding the Second Amendment and safeguarding the rights of gun owners.

Overview of Firearm Laws in Nevada

Nevada is a pro-gun state that does not require licenses or permits to purchase firearms. However, there are laws governing the ownership and use of guns. Understanding these regulations is essential for responsible gun ownership and compliance with Nevada’s legal framework.

Background Checks and Concealed Carry Permits

Nevada operates as a “shall-issue” state for concealed carry permits, meaning that anyone who passes the necessary checks must be granted a permit. To obtain a permit, individuals must undergo a background check, complete required training, and apply for a five-year permit.

Additionally, since 2016, all private gun sales in Nevada are mandated to include a background check.

Prohibited Locations and Preemption Laws

Firearms are prohibited in certain locations in Nevada, such as public buildings, schools, and airports. The state has also enacted preemption laws that prevent local jurisdictions from enacting stricter gun laws than those established at the state level.

Recent Legislative Updates

  • In 2015, Clark County eliminated the requirement for handgun registration due to state laws.
  • Beginning in 2016, background checks became mandatory for private gun sales in Nevada.
  • In 2021, Nevada updated its recognition of concealed carry permits from other states.
  • As of January 2, 2020, Nevada’s Background Check Act requires background checks for gun sales or transfers between unlicensed individuals.

Nevada’s firearm laws aim to balance citizens’ Second Amendment rights with necessary safety regulations. It is crucial for gun owners and enthusiasts in the state to familiarize themselves with these firearm regulations.

Definition of Firearms in Nevada

In Nevada, a “firearm” encompasses a range of weapons designed to discharge projectiles through explosive force, including pistols, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns. Each type has specific rules under Nevada law.

  • Pistols and Revolvers: Classified as handguns.
  • Rifles and Shotguns: Known as long guns.

Short-barreled rifles and shotguns are subject to additional regulations. Notably, there has been an 8% increase in short-barreled firearms over the past three years, and 21% of firearm-related crimes involved illegal actions with certain semiautomatic firearms or components.

Firearm TypeKey Regulations
Pistols and RevolversRegistration, ownership requirements, and concealed carry regulations
Rifles and ShotgunsRestrictions on short-barreled models, compliance with semiautomatic firearm laws

It is vital for residents of Nevada to understand the firearm regulations governing all types of firearms, as violations can lead to significant legal consequences.

Handgun Registration in Nevada

Registration No Longer Required

In Nevada, the rules surrounding handgun registration have undergone significant changes. As of June 2015, Clark County, the largest county in the state, no longer requires handgun registration, following state laws that prevent local regulations on gun registration.

This change aligns with Nevada’s gun laws and its commitment to safeguarding gun rights, providing individuals with greater freedom in firearm ownership and usage.

“The removal of handgun registration requirements in Nevada reflects the state’s commitment to upholding its citizens’ constitutional freedoms while ensuring public safety.”

While handgun registration is not required, gun owners must still adhere to other laws regarding the purchase, ownership, and use of firearms. Staying informed about the latest regulations in Nevada is essential for gun owners to exercise their rights responsibly and avoid legal issues.

Licensing Requirements for Gun Ownership in Nevada

In Nevada, there is no need for a license to purchase or own a firearm, and there is no waiting period for gun buyers. This simplifies Nevada’s firearm regulations for gun owners.

Age and Background Check Requirements

To purchase a firearm in Nevada, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Long Guns: You must be at least 18 years old.
  • Handguns: You must be at least 21 years old.
  • Background Checks: All gun sales and transfers are required to undergo a background check.

Additionally, immediate family members can transfer firearms without needing a background check.

While Nevada law does not mandate a license for gun ownership, there are regulations for obtaining concealed carry permits and specific types of firearms, such as machine guns. These measures aim to promote responsible gun use.

Overall, Nevada maintains a relatively permissive policy on gun ownership, emphasizing background checks and responsible practices to uphold the Second Amendment rights of its citizens.

Concealed Carry Permit Requirements

To obtain a concealed carry permit in Nevada, applicants must meet specific age, training, and background check requirements. Nevada’s “shall-issue” policy ensures that individuals who meet these conditions are granted a permit.

Age and Training Requirements

  • You must be 21 years old to apply for a concealed carry permit. However, if you are in the U.S. Military or have been honorably discharged, you can apply at 18.
  • For your initial permit, you must complete an 8-hour safety course that includes live-fire training. For permit renewals, a 4-hour class with live-fire training is required.

Background Check Requirements

Applicants must undergo a thorough background check. You will be disqualified from obtaining a permit if you have:

  • A felony conviction,
  • A conviction for a violent crime within the last three years,
  • Active restraining orders against you.

You have 120 days to submit your permit application, which is valid for five years. Carrying a weapon without a permit is considered a felony and can result in up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Understanding the rules for concealed carry permits is crucial for Nevada residents. By fulfilling the age, training, and background check requirements, you can legally and safely carry a weapon in the state.

Background Checks for Gun Purchases

In Nevada, purchasing firearms from licensed dealers requires a federal background check, as mandated by law. The state also ensures that background checks are conducted for private sales and transfers.

Federal and State Requirements

  • Federal Law: A background check is necessary before buying or transferring a gun in Nevada. However, the state administers these checks through the Brady Point of Sale program instead of the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
  • Private Sales: Since 2019, most private gun sales and transfers must go through a licensed dealer for background checks. If you possess a Nevada concealed carry permit obtained after July 1, 2011, you are exempt from the federal background check when purchasing a firearm.

Both commercial and private gun dealers in Nevada are required to conduct background checks on all buyers before selling firearms.

  • Background checks in Nevada can take up to three days to complete.
  • You cannot purchase a firearm in Nevada if you are under 18 (or under 21 for handguns), a convicted felon, or have a history of domestic violence. Additionally, individuals who are undocumented non-citizens or drug users are also prohibited from purchasing firearms.

It’s important to note that while background checks are necessary for buying guns, there is no requirement for background checks when purchasing ammunition. These regulations are designed to prevent individuals who should not have access to firearms from obtaining them, while still maintaining that Nevada firearm regulations do not require checks for ammo purchases.

Private Firearm Sales and Transfers

In 2016, Nevada voters approved a law requiring background checks for private gun sales and transfers. However, the state’s Attorney General later stated that the law could not be enforced. In 2019, a new law was enacted, which took effect on January 2, 2020.

The Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 ensures that all gun sales and transfers in Nevada must undergo a background check. This law aims to close the “gun show loophole” and ensure that all firearm purchases are safe and lawful.

Now, buyers in Nevada can receive one of three outcomes after a background check: approved, delayed, or denied. There are specific rules associated with each result, and violating this law can result in jail time or significant fines, depending on whether it is a first or subsequent offense.

Exceptions to Background Checks

Certain situations are exempt from the background check requirement, including:

  • Transfers to law enforcement agencies
  • Transfers to immediate family members
  • Antique firearms
  • Temporary transfers under specific circumstances

Additionally, purchasing ammunition in Nevada does not require a background check or permit.

Minimum Age to Purchase Handgun21 years old
Minimum Age to Own Firearm18 years old
Background Check RequiredYes, for all firearm sales and transfers, including private sales
Exceptions to Background CheckTransfers to law enforcement, immediate family, antique firearms, and certain temporary transfers
Ammunition PurchaseNo background check or permit required

The Nevada Background Check Act, which began in February 2019, represents a significant step toward strengthening gun regulations in the state. It also enhances Nevada’s firearm regulations concerning private sales and transfers.

“The Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 in Nevada, aimed at closing the ‘gun show loophole,’ allows for a potential delay of up to three days for background checks.”

Open Carry Laws in Nevada

In Nevada, individuals can openly carry firearms in plain view without needing a special permit. State laws prohibit local jurisdictions from enacting stricter regulations. Open carry is generally permitted in most areas, with a few exceptions such as public buildings, schools, and airports.

No permit is required to openly carry handguns, rifles, or shotguns. The state’s constitution protects the right to carry arms for various reasons. However, a permit is required for concealed carry.

Certain locations in Nevada prohibit firearms, including:

  • Government buildings
  • Federal property
  • Schools
  • Airports

Establishments such as casinos and hotels have the right to ask patrons to leave if they are carrying firearms.

It’s crucial to note that carrying a firearm while intoxicated is illegal. If your blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08% or higher, you could face legal consequences.

Nevada’s open carry laws allow individuals to exercise their Second Amendment rights freely, while regulations are in place to ensure public safety. Understanding these laws is essential for responsible firearm ownership and usage in the state.

Firearm RegulationNevada Law
Open CarryPermitted without a permit, with some exceptions
Concealed CarryPermit required
Prohibited LocationsGovernment buildings, federal property, schools, airports
Firearm Possession Under InfluenceIllegal with a BAC of 0.08% or higher

“Nevada enshrined in its constitution in 1982 the right of every citizen to keep and bear arms for security, defense, lawful recreational use, and other lawful purposes.”

Locations Where Firearms Are Prohibited

Nevada enforces strict regulations on carrying firearms in certain public spaces. Concealed firearms are not permitted in specific locations such as government buildings, schools, and certain areas of airports.

Carrying a firearm without proper authorization in these restricted areas can lead to serious legal consequences, including arrest, fines, or community service.

Public Buildings and Facilities

In Nevada, concealed firearms are prohibited in government-operated buildings and facilities. This includes state and local government offices, courthouses, and other public venues. Many of these locations have metal detectors and clearly marked signs indicating that firearms are not allowed.

Schools and Childcare Facilities

Firearms, including concealed weapons, are also banned from all educational institutions in Nevada. This includes both K-12 schools and higher education institutions. Additionally, childcare facilities and preschools are considered gun-free zones to ensure the safety of children.


Nevada law prohibits carrying concealed firearms in airport terminals and other restricted areas, even if you possess a concealed carry permit. This regulation is in place to maintain safety for all air travelers.

Understanding where firearms are prohibited is essential for responsible gun ownership in Nevada. Following these laws and safety guidelines helps ensure both legal compliance and public safety.

Penalties for Unlawful Possession of Firearms

In Nevada, possessing a firearm without legal authorization carries significant consequences. For example, felons found with a firearm could face up to 6 years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. The same penalties apply to fugitives or drug users caught with guns.

Minors under 18 are also prohibited from possessing firearms. If a minor is found with a gun, the first offense may result in up to 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine. Repeat offenses could lead to felony charges, with penalties including up to 6 years in prison.

Carrying a firearm without a permit is a serious offense in Nevada. Violators can face 1 to 5 years in prison and fines up to $10,000. Individuals who are prohibited from owning firearms, such as ex-convicts or drug users, can receive up to 6 years in prison if found in possession of a gun.

Understanding Nevada’s firearm regulations is crucial for avoiding penalties for unlawful possession of firearms.

“Possession of a firearm by a prohibited person in Nevada is a crime. Prohibited individuals include ex-felons, fugitives, drug users and addicts, individuals with mental health issues, and undocumented immigrants.”

Handgun Registration in Nevada

In recent years, Nevada’s handgun registration rules have undergone significant changes. Before 2015, Clark County required residents to register their handguns using a “blue card.” However, with the passage of laws like SB 175 and SB 240, handgun registration is no longer required anywhere in the state.

By June 2016, all handgun registration records in Las Vegas were destroyed, officially ending the blue card system. Now, gun owners in Nevada are no longer required to carry a blue card as proof of ownership.

This shift aligns with Nevada’s broader efforts to simplify firearm regulations and ensure the protection of gun owners’ rights.

Key Points:

  • Handgun Registration Requirement: No longer required in Nevada as of 2015
  • Blue Card System: Discontinued, with records destroyed by 2016
  • Proof of Ownership: Blue cards are no longer necessary
  • Preemption of Local Regulations: State law supersedes local handgun registration requirements

The elimination of handgun registration requirements reflects Nevada’s commitment to simplifying firearm regulations while safeguarding individual rights.

Firearm Registration Preemption

Nevada has made it clear that the state, rather than local governments, has control over firearm regulations. In 2015, a law was passed that prohibits counties, cities, and towns from enacting stricter gun laws than those set by the state.

This law ensures uniform firearm regulations across Nevada, preventing the creation of inconsistent rules in different areas. However, local governments retain the authority to regulate certain aspects, such as firearm safety, the carrying of firearms by law enforcement, and zoning regulations for gun stores.

Booking Data for Unregistered Handguns in Las Vegas:

  • 2010: 107 cases
  • 2011: 87 cases
  • 2012: 62 cases
  • 2013: 43 cases
  • 2014: 41 cases
  • 2015 (through late April/early May): 12 cases

The decline in cases reflects the end of Clark County’s handgun registration program.

Recent Changes to Nevada Gun Laws

Nevada has seen significant changes to its gun laws in recent years. One major change is the elimination of the handgun registration requirement, making it easier to own firearms in the state. Additionally, a new law mandates background checks for private firearm sales, closing the so-called “gun show loophole.”

Another key development is Nevada’s “red flag” law, which allows law enforcement to temporarily confiscate firearms from individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others. This law is part of broader efforts to address public safety concerns, particularly in relation to mental health and firearm ownership.

As Nevada’s firearm laws continue to evolve, it is essential for gun owners and prospective buyers to stay informed. Seeking guidance from legal professionals can help ensure compliance with current regulations and avoid potential legal issues.