Judge Halts Texas Attorney General’s Attempt to Shut Down Annunciation House

A federal judge in El Paso, Texas, has intervened to prevent Attorney General Ken Paxton from shutting down the Annunciation House. Judge Francisco Dominguez ruled that Paxton’s actions were unjust. The Annunciation House has been supporting asylum seekers for more than 40 years.

The judge suggested that Paxton may have been motivated by political reasons to attempt the closure. As part of the ruling, the judge has prohibited Paxton from accessing the house’s records. The case will now proceed through the standard legal process.

This ongoing dispute highlights the significant debate surrounding immigration and the support that nonprofits provide to migrants. As more individuals cross the border, the role of Annunciation House becomes increasingly vital in assisting those in need.

Judge Questions Attorney General’s Intentions in Pursuing Migrant Shelter

A Texas judge has raised concerns about the state’s motives in targeting Annunciation House, a crucial shelter for migrants in El Paso. He suspects that Attorney General Ken Paxton may have underlying political reasons for wanting to close the shelter.

The judge has halted Paxton’s office from immediately obtaining the shelter’s records, stating that they must adhere to the state’s legal procedures. This means they cannot simply demand the records without following the proper court process.

Dominguez Suggests Paxton May Have “Ulterior Political Motives”

During a hearing, Judge Dominguez expressed skepticism about the state’s actions. He believes that Paxton may be pursuing the shelter for political advantage rather than purely legal reasons. A decision is expected in two weeks, which could delay the state’s efforts.

Order Blocks AG’s Subpoena, Citing Lack of Due Process

Judge Dominguez’s ruling to halt the subpoena marks a significant victory for Annunciation House, which has been supporting asylum seekers for nearly 50 years. The judge noted that the state’s request for records was excessively hurried and unjust.

This conflict underscores the tension between the state and organizations assisting migrants at the Texas-Mexico border. Shelters like Annunciation House are facing increased scrutiny while providing essential support for those in need.

“Judge Dominguez suggested that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton may have ‘ulterior political motives’ in his attempt to shut down the nonprofit organization.”

Judge Blocks Texas Attorney General’s Efforts to Close Annunciation House

A Texas judge has prevented Attorney General Ken Paxton from closing Annunciation House, representing a significant win for the migrant shelter. Paxton’s office initiated an investigation into the nonprofit on February 20, alleging legal violations.

Judge Francisco Dominguez made this ruling on March 11, asserting that Paxton’s actions were unjust and not in accordance with the law. The judge has prohibited Paxton from obtaining documents from Annunciation House.

This legal battle unfolds amid a significant crisis at the border. In December 2022, Governor Greg Abbott sought to investigate El Paso nonprofits assisting migrants. Recently, four House Republicans accused Catholic Charities USA of facilitating illegal immigration.

For almost 50 years, Annunciation House has provided migrants and refugees with basic necessities and support. Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso highlighted its connection to St. Teresa of Calcutta on February 22.

“This order is a victory for due process and fair play, and a rebuke of the Texas Attorney General’s overreach,” stated Jerome Wesevich, the lead counsel from Texas RioGrande Legal Aid representing Annunciation House.

However, the fight is not yet resolved. Both parties will proceed according to Texas’s legal framework. This ruling represents a crucial step for the courts amid the border crisis and for organizations advocating for migrant rights.

Annunciation House: A Longstanding Refuge for Migrants and Refugees

For more than 40 years, Annunciation House in El Paso, Texas, has served as a beacon of hope for migrants and refugees seeking asylum in the United States. Founded in 1976, this nonprofit organization provides humanitarian assistance and legal support to individuals fleeing violence and poverty.

Many individuals and families have benefited from the services offered by Annunciation House. The organization provides food, temporary housing, and medical care, as well as assistance with the legal processes involved in seeking refuge in the U.S.

Nonprofit Provides Humanitarian Aid and Legal Assistance to Asylum Seekers

Annunciation House is committed to supporting migrants and refugees. Volunteers and staff diligently work to address their needs and assist them throughout the asylum process.

The organization offers temporary housing, meals, and essential services to newcomers at the border. It collaborates with legal aid organizations to provide asylum seekers with legal advice and assistance. Additionally, Annunciation House offers translation services, connects migrants with various resources, and advocates for their rights.

Despite the ongoing border crisis and efforts to restrict asylum access, Annunciation House remains resilient. It receives support from the local Catholic community as well as national Catholic organizations.

“Annunciation House has been a lifeline for thousands of migrants and refugees, providing them with the support and resources they need to rebuild their lives in safety and dignity.”

The battle over Annunciation House’s records and operations continues, but its role as a safe haven for vulnerable individuals has never been more critical. The situation underscores the vital importance of nonprofits in addressing the challenges posed by the immigration crisis.

Attorney General Accuses Shelter of “Human Smuggling”

The legal battle between the Texas Attorney General’s Office and Annunciation House has intensified. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton alleges that the nonprofit is involved in human smuggling and operates “stash houses” for immigrants. He claims that the shelter aids immigrants in breaking the law by providing information about legal services.

However, Annunciation House and its supporters vehemently deny these accusations, asserting that the shelter has never violated any criminal laws. For over 40 years, it has provided food, shelter, and medical care to asylum seekers and migrants.

A state district judge has blocked Paxton’s attempt to shut down Annunciation House, questioning the Attorney General’s motives and expressing concerns about fairness and due process. This ruling prevents Paxton from accessing the shelter’s records and operational details.

“The court’s decision to stop the Texas Attorney General’s effort to close Annunciation House is a significant victory for the nonprofit organization and the migrants it serves,” stated the attorney representing the shelter.

This legal dispute unfolds amid a border crisis and ongoing debates about immigration in Texas. As a key humanitarian aid organization, Annunciation House faces scrutiny, with the Attorney General targeting immigration shelters and alleged human smuggling operations.

This case has raised concerns among many nonprofit organizations and migrant rights groups, as it could alter the way shelters are monitored and potentially limit their ability to assist those in need. The outcome may significantly impact how shelters support vulnerable populations.

Legal Battle Over Shelter’s Records and Operations

The legal dispute regarding Annunciation House in El Paso, Texas, is escalating. Attorney General Ken Paxton is demanding immediate access to the shelter’s records, alleging that it is involved in “human smuggling” and concealing immigrants. However, the shelter’s legal team disputes these claims.

AG Demands Immediate Access to Client Records, Shelter Seeks Time

In early February, Paxton’s team visited Annunciation House to review records of migrants who have received assistance since 2022. These records include medical and immigration information. While the shelter indicated a willingness to cooperate, it requested time to determine what could be legally shared.

The shelter’s attorney has asked a judge to intervene, but Paxton’s office views this request as noncompliance and subsequently filed a new lawsuit to close the shelter, alleging that it is hiding immigrants and failing to provide documents to law enforcement.

However, Annunciation House contends that the state is infringing on its rights to privacy and religious freedom. They are seeking a court order to prevent the state from encroaching on their operations and accessing their records without a fair review.

“The attorney general’s office used Annunciation House’s alleged noncompliance as justification for attempting to shut down the shelter entirely.”

Judge Francisco Dominguez of the 205th District Court is expected to make a decision soon. This case raises critical questions about the state’s true motives and its implications for nonprofit organizations that assist migrants and refugees amid the border crisis.

Impact on Shelter’s Volunteer Base and Operations

The legal conflict between the Texas Attorney General and Annunciation House is adversely affecting the shelter’s volunteers and operations. Ruben Garcia, the director, is concerned about losing volunteers who fear becoming entangled in legal issues.

He notes that recruiting new volunteers has become challenging, as many individuals are hesitant to offer assistance due to the ongoing legal troubles. The legal challenges have also hindered the staff and volunteers from effectively performing their duties, as they are spending excessive time on legal matters.

“The lawsuit has led some volunteers to leave, as they are worried about getting involved in this legal process,” stated Ruben Garcia, director of Annunciation House.

The immigration shelter serves as a safe haven for asylum seekers and migrants, providing essential aid, legal support, and other vital services. However, the legal battle is complicating the shelter’s ability to fulfill its mission. The volunteer team is critical to its operations, and they are facing difficulties.

Community leaders and organizations are rallying in support of Annunciation House. Groups such as the Border Network for Human Rights and LUPE Votes assert that the Texas Attorney General is targeting nonprofits that assist asylum seekers and migrants.

The legal battle continues, leaving the future of Annunciation House uncertain. The ongoing border crisis and discussions surrounding immigration policy highlight the critical importance of the shelter. Ensuring its operations and recruiting volunteers is more vital than ever.

Border Crisis and Tensions Over Immigration Policy

The case involving Annunciation House is part of a broader issue at the U.S.-Mexico border. Some Republicans and certain groups argue that NGOs like Annunciation House contribute to illegal immigration. Texas has invested over $10 billion to curb this influx, deploying troops and law enforcement to the border.

For nearly 50 years, Annunciation House in El Paso has assisted immigrants and refugees, currently aiding up to 10,000 individuals daily due to the increased number of arrivals. This surge has intensified their efforts to provide assistance to everyone in need.

Under Governor Greg Abbott, Texas has taken a hard stance against organizations like Annunciation House. A law passed in 2015 criminalized the act of helping individuals entering the country illegally, complicating the shelter’s operations.

Organizations like Annunciation House find themselves caught in the midst of a significant political struggle. Some religious leaders contend that their assistance worsens the situation, while right-wing groups demand greater transparency regarding their operations.

Despite these challenges, Annunciation House and similar organizations continue to provide substantial support. They have garnered backing from numerous individuals, including local officials and attorneys. As the next election approaches, their work and the surrounding debates are expected to come to the forefront.

Key Statistics

  • Number of people with keys to Annunciation House shelter: 3
  • Years Annunciation House has been in operation: Nearly 50
  • Length of border barrier erected by Texas as part of Operation Lone Star: 23 miles
  • Estimated cost of Operation Lone Star by Texas: Over $10 billion

“Annunciation House, led by Ruben Garcia, has been providing shelter and support to tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants for nearly five decades.”

Implications for Nonprofit Organizations and Migrant Rights

The ongoing dispute over Annunciation House has significant implications for nonprofits and migrant rights across the U.S. A judge has ruled that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton acted unjustly, raising concerns about the government’s ability to monitor and potentially shut down nonprofits that assist migrants.

This case highlights the tension between the sanctuary movement and the stringent immigration policies adopted by some states. It may alter the way nonprofits operate and provide aid to individuals at the border.

Paxton’s use of consumer laws to target nonprofits with which he disagrees is particularly alarming. This approach raises fears that state officials might attempt to intimidate or undermine organizations that support migrants, making it increasingly difficult for these groups to provide necessary assistance.

The Annunciation House case underscores the urgent need to safeguard the rights of migrants and refugees. The judge questioned Paxton’s motivations and emphasized the importance of fair legal processes, indicating that the government should act justly rather than arbitrarily.

As the border crisis intensifies, it is crucial for nonprofits to continue their support for migrants. These organizations must be able to advocate for and assist vulnerable individuals without the fear of facing legal repercussions.


What did the federal judge in El Paso, Texas, rule regarding the efforts by Attorney General Ken Paxton to shut down the Annunciation House migrant shelter?

A federal judge in El Paso, Texas, ruled against Attorney General Ken Paxton’s attempt to close the Annunciation House, which provides assistance to migrants and refugees. The judge stated that Paxton acted unjustly and may have political motives for wanting to shut it down.

How did the judge’s ruling impact the case against the Annunciation House shelter?

The judge’s ruling means that the case must adhere to established protocols for document production. This decision prevents Paxton from immediately accessing the shelter’s records and emphasizes that there was no fair process involved in his requests.

What are the key details about the Annunciation House migrant shelter?

Annunciation House is a nonprofit organization that has been assisting migrants and refugees in El Paso since 1978. It provides food, housing, and legal support, having helped hundreds of thousands of individuals over the years.

What are the allegations made by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton against the Annunciation House shelter?

Paxton has alleged that Annunciation House is involved in human smuggling, referring to its shelters as “stash houses.” He claims that the organization encourages illegal immigration by providing information about legal services to immigrants. Annunciation House, however, denies these allegations, asserting that it operates within the law.

How has the legal battle impacted the operations and volunteer base of the Annunciation House shelter?

The ongoing legal conflict has negatively affected the shelter’s operations, according to its director, Ruben Garcia. Some volunteers have left due to concerns about legal repercussions, and Garcia believes that the legal issues have made it more challenging to recruit new volunteers.

How does the Annunciation House case fit into the broader context of the border crisis and tensions over immigration policy in the United States?

This case is part of a larger discussion surrounding the border crisis and immigration policies in the U.S. Some lawmakers and groups hold organizations like Annunciation House responsible for increasing immigration. Texas has invested significant resources to curb illegal border crossings, including deploying National Guard troops.

What are the broader implications of the Annunciation House case for nonprofit organizations and the rights of migrants and refugees in the United States?

The Annunciation House case has significant implications for nonprofits and the rights of migrants and refugees in the U.S. The judge’s decision raises questions about Paxton’s authority to shut down such organizations. It highlights the conflict between those who wish to assist migrants and those who seek to impose stricter immigration controls.